loquat's Recent Posts

Is the aftertouch on the list of unimplemented features? I have been unable to get the Aftertouch to light up even though I know my controller/host see it.

Thank you for creating Sumu. Love how it sounds.

This morning I opened Aalto in Logic Pro and was enjoying some of the rich FM sounds it generates.

When Aalto first came out I remember it stretched the resources of my computer at the time.

Almost 8 years later, and 2 computers later CPU resources do not seem to be as much of an issue.

The Aalto Interface which was ahead of it's time in 2011 is still excellent today.
The addition of more voices to the synth would breath new life into it for me. I would love to be able to play it as a polysynth.
8-12 voices would be a lot of fun.

That would be an upgrade I would be willing to pay for.

Is there anyone else out there who thinks so too?

Thanks for the response Randy. I am very excited to hear this.

Please take your time with Aalto 2. I am onboard whenever you decide to release it.

Great update! Performance improvement in Windows VST are night and day. Four voice patches down from 85%+ to 60% on my machine. Thanks for your hard work Randy!

I am not a fellow developer, but as a fellow musician I would like to say Congratulations on this release! What a beautiful instrument!

Great news! I am very excited about the Windows release. If there is a line consider me in it!

About the GUI, I can't be fussy because I haven't tried it yet, but I was wondering about the size of the window. Personally something around 1152 x 768 would probably hit the sweet spot. What is the current resolution?

Exciting news!

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy development schedule to record a few Aalto demos. They sound great. I'm excited about all the sonic possibilities.

February-ish sounds good. I can totally wait until then. If you get the chance could you upload another teaser video for us win users;
another Valse mechanique or something percussive would be awesome.
PS. Us win users aren't just full of demands. Please let us know when we can be of help too. I'd be happy pickup a license to help beta test even :P Enjoy the snow while it lasts!

Happy Boxing Day! Thanks for the holiday message randy. As a windows user myself I wanted to chime in and say I disagree with downeyst. I too have been excited about Aalto since I heard about it, but I for one am waiting patiently because I know randy is working hard. I also know it's going to be worth the wait! Thanks for all your hard work randy and thanks for being active on the forums communicating with us about the development process. I appreciate the sound examples too!

Hi there I'm new to the forum and I'm very excited about Aalto (even though I haven't tried it yet because I'm a Windows user.) The other day my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and the only thing I could honestly say I want was this synthesizer. I hate to ask but is a Windows version going to be available by Christmas (or even a beta)?

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll keep coming back to check for news.