jbuzz's Recent Posts

Still love the synth but I have an rather urgent request to make it more playable with different controllers.

Could you change the mod and aftertouch input, so that we could change them to different Midi cc Numbers?

If i play with my manta for instance, it is better to setup a specific cc (lets say 55) than use cc1- If i use cc1 and change to a different synth, then the normal modulation is used, which is not wanted most of the time.

Aftertouch though seems to be some kind of midi message of its own, which i cant send from most of my controllers.


Something must be wrong with your Audio Interface settings. What Latency setting are you using & what Audio Interface? Crackle sounds like the latency is to low.
I installed Aalto on a MacBookPro late 2008 & and a Mac Pro.
On the MBP i can use up to 5 Voices of a complex patch per CPU with the Standart Audio Out. With my Metric Halo Interface even more.

Oh Sorry I misunderstood the Mod input...

says to himself:


definitely... always better to have the real solution. Ill try a bit more other the weekend. Maybe ill buy even without the sync cause it sounds so good. But if that is implemented im buying in an instant. Ill keep coming back and looking.
Thnx for your efforts...

and dont forget about the 250e :-) nested loops hmmmmhhhh

Works in Logic kind of... when setting the ramp to the16th Tick its synced (not really tigth but synced). Now the problems are: Gates are only working on 8ths, with 16ths i get a long gate instead of two gates. If I reduce the width it doesnt play at all
And when the offsets jumps back, it plays all gates very fast, sounds like a roll in the end.

Did I not understand something?
I uploaded A video here (sorry for the tick sound):

Host sync and please a 250e next :-)

Ok, great synth, great concept, great sound. Only thing holding me off right now is not beeing able to sync to the host... Aaargh... Is that on youre priority? Is it hard to do?
Please, if i dont buy before I will buy in an instant then...