hardlyknowem's Recent Posts

Summary: I noticed that when changing the audio sample rate for my interface, Kaivo produces radically different sounds at different sample rates on some patches.

I was unable to find previous forum posts discussing this issue.

Supplementary files, including audio exports, here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/wywcmi7qabum7qwuij101/ANCVAq6VmHaOgw5aMoJHuQo?rlkey=qynxnfqox8uxc2v7dhrudxb0o&st=y3oghi6g&dl=0


  • Kaivo version 1.9.5 (VST .64)
  • Ableton Live 11 Suite (11.3.35 Build: 2024-09-24_bf0676fe44)
  • Mac OS X Sonoma 14.7, Apple Silicon (M2 Pro)
  • Audio Interface: Focusrite Clarett 2Pre USB

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add Kaivo to a track.
  2. Select the "Kaivo Pads > Keratinous Pad" preset.
  3. In Ableton's settings, select a 44.1k in/out sample rate. (See the window here) I chose the largest possible buffer size.
  4. Create a MIDI pattern with a held note or notes. In the examples below, I used this pattern.
  5. Listen to the output.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5, at different Sample Rates.

Expected result: Kaivo's output should be consistent at musical frequencies, regardless of the sample rate of the output environment.

Actual Result: The resulting sounds are dramatically different. To my ears, it sounds like, at higher sample rates, there are more voices, with heavier detuning and slower modulation.

Reproducibility: Happens every time for me.

Evidence: The results reproduce even when bounced to audio files. I have created exports at various sample rates (the samples are all dithered down to 44.1k):

Thank you! I've followed the issue on GitHub so I'll know not to delete the sample files until that issue progresses.

I am having difficulty with the Dropbox links posted above. It appears that whenever I put in the link, the forum software is converting any ampersands in the links to &, which breaks the link.

I sent a Dropbox invitation to the folder to support [AT] madronalabs if that helps, referencing this ticket in the message. Or, you can right click on any of the links above, copy the URL, and manually change the URLs from & to an ampersand.