randy's Recent Posts
I'm trying to reproduce the no-sound issue but having no luck. Can someone break it down for me into a few steps that I can try? For example:
- open Live 12
- add a new Sumu
- switch to patch "X"
- save the Live project
- close Live
- open the project again
expected: playback of patch X
what happened instead: no sound.
Maybe it's a particular patch I'm not using. I'll keep trying here.
It also crashed Logic Pro. I have emailed you the details and included the crash log.
Thanks for the info, hopefully I'll track this down soon. I'll send you any follow up questions via the support email.
Hi Les,
Thanks for the detailed report. I think I know what's going on here and I should be able to get a bugfix release of Aaltoverb out very soon.
I am encountering a new bug where patches will just start pulsing...
I don't know what you mean by this pulsing, can you capture audio or better yet video? Or if you think a specific patch will reproduce it, send me the patch with instructions.
I've also noticed that the scale dial in Space also tends to generate audio artifacts when modulated
The scale dial will send all the partials back to the home position whenever its value changes. These home positions are where the partials go when a reset pulse is received for that partial, or when the partial goes outside the bounds and "far" is set to "home." So, modulating scale will definitely be jumpy, depending on how often your DAW feels like sending dial movements to a plugin.
I did this "auto-jump" so people could see/hear the size of the home configuration when they turn the dial. Maybe there's an argument for not doing it, I'll think this one over a bit.
there appears to be value scaling issues when automating different parameters in Ableton,
This is not enough info for me to investigate, can you send me more detail with what you expected to have happen (the parameter should go to 1.0) and what happened instead (the parameter went to 99) ?
Please send any files / additional info to support@madronalabs.com - thanks!
but will there be a "final call" for the early access discount?
yes, I'll let people know via the email list and offer 1.0 for at least a few days before the price goes up to full.
but... do you know when MPE and OSC will be added?
MPE will be added for 1.0.
OSC... I'm not sure if I should keep that feature around. There are only a handful of people using it in Aalto etc, and now that MPE exists I see less of a need for it. If OSC is working better for anyone than MPE (as I feel it does, sometimes), it's more of a reason to make MPE better than work on OSC, this way more people will benefit from the work.
Thanks for the good words.
I'm planning to do an update of Early Access every few weeks until it's done, with 1.0 being in another 8 weeks or so.
Thanks for the report. Sorry to hear things went backwards on this one platform. I guess the next step is for me to get a copy of Patchwork and try it here.
Also please add your computer hardware info. Sumu currently requires Apple's Metal library, here's a list of compatible computers: https://support.apple.com/en-us/102894
Thanks for the comments—what's harsh is very subjective, and another person might want to make sounds that you think are harsh. So my job is to leave room for all these possibilities!
When the filter is in "thru" mode, it doesn't take up CPU. Disabling space also is a reasonable idea. I'll take a look thanks.
Yes the filter section is very non-linear so turning up the gain 2x pre-filter will not result in 2x after. The output volume dial is post-filter and this is part of the reason for that. If you want more precise metering I recommend YouLean's loudness meter.
Thanks for this and the other reports. I'll look at them for the next update.
Thanks for the update
Thanks for the feedback!
Are there plans to make it resizable or different scaling options in the future?
It is resizable now. I did see the resizer disappear once and make a note to investigate. Can you please make a screen shot with the missing resizer and send it to me, and include your resolution settings in it?
It may work for you at a different resolution.
The 1.0.0b15 release of Sumu, also known as Early Access 2, is now available on the Sumu page. It has the following changes since Early Access 1:
ui: fix bug if Scope was drawn before resize (crash on launch)
ui: fix collectionPicker bug not showing last few files
ui: fix excess drawing of Popup menus (caused slow UI)
ui: fix too-big window on creation
ui: remove mouse reposition on windows pending fix
pulses: allow turning bpm down to 0
demo noise: half as loud and half as often
core: fix recent mod osc sound bug
core: fix AM sound bug
core: fix beta expiration bug
patches: set all to 4 voices
patches: fix inaccurate Fargo quote
Thanks for your good reports that led to some of these fixes. And if you were trying to run Reaper, Cubase or Studio 1 on Windows, thanks for your patience—the problem affecting those DAWs is fixed.
It's June 1 and Sumu users will see a message that your beta has expired. This is obviously a mistake on my part and I'll be working to get an update out today. I'm sorry for any inconvenience!
fixed, thanks for your patience.
Isnt this the same type of converting audio as Harmor (fl-studio) does?
No one else aside from Kyma is using Loris analysis as far as I know. It's a little more involved to get the right parameters but it lets you do more with a given number of partials because of the enhanced bandwidth nature.
I am lucky for this community. I don't personally enjoy flogging. I do like long walks on the beach, and weird sounds.
I left a beta expiration check in by mistake. Not trying to be amusing! I'll get an emergency update out as soon as possible, hopefully today (Saturday).
I just need to take enough time with it to be sure I'm not screwing up something else. Though I try to avoid them, mistakes happen. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
@simonkennedy I've just sent a reply to your email.
There's a question just above where @felipetellezost asks about Vienna Ensemble.
Hi, you can search the whole site by going to the Resources menu / Support. There is a search bar there.
Hey we've talked about it a little bit. No plans but who knows...
Site search will search forums, news, etc. —it is up under resources / support.
if they know that what they have received is a free program plus another program, side by side, their rights will be clear.
That's encouraging! Thanks for digging it up.
Amazing stuff.
Thank you for the kind words!
If I can be of any help resolving that, would be happy to. Can't wait for an update...
Hang in there, I'm working to get an update out ASAP.
Where are the Sumu partials stored?
~/Music/Madrona Labs/Sumu/Partials.
Vienna Ensemble can't load the interface and the plugin has induced kernel panics in my machine.
I will try Vienna Ensemble, hopefully this is fixed already.
I haven't seen any kernel panics here. If you are able to get a crash report of any kind, please send it to me via support@madronalabs.com .
This is proving to be frustrating. A document with an instance of Sumu that is generating sound is saved and closed. On reopening the document, Sumu no longer generates sound.
Sorry to hear. This is my first report of this. I test in Live Suite 12 all the time.
When Sumu is triggered with midi no sound comes out.
What if you switch to a patch that generates sound on its own? (Sumu machines / autoroute)
Do the red lights in the input module flash when there's MIDI input?
Does the sound cut off for the entire Live project, or just Sumu?
I'm trying to understand at what point the system is failing.
Resize on Macbook M2 laptop in Logic isn't working here and it's larger than my screen.
Fixed for the next update.
Re Vutu integration:
Thanks for the feedback. The more tightly I integrate Vutu with Sumu, the closer I'm afraid I get to violating the spirit of the GPL that Loris was offered under. So this is a direction I will probably want to avoid.
Amazing work.
Thank you so much!
One thing I get sometimes is the modulator oscillator seems to return back to or get stuck on a default pitch.
Fixed for the next release.
The update release is coming along well. I can hold off on shipping a thing for years while I design it, but if people have bought it and it's not working for them that's very motivating for me!