ForumsSoftware ← Move Kaivo soundbank?

Hi, I like to have all my user presets from software in a folder on another drive so it's easy to backup and transfer. Am I able to move the Kaivo soundbank or the user folders at least? I tried to use shortcuts but it doesn't seem to work.

There's no way to change the location of the Madrona Labs folder, but using aliases in the patches / samples folders should work. If you tell me what OS you are using, I can try to reproduce the problem.

Hi Randy,
Thanks for your reply. I'm using win8.1. I couldn't get aliases to work for some reason. My required folder is on a separate D: drive from the operating system.

The folder I'm trying to utilize on another drive is a folder only for Kaivo formatted samples that I have made and not a huge multi gb sample folder used for general sample duties. Do I have to create aliases for the samples themselves? The folder aliases don't show up in Kaivo and I have checked permissions in the folders.

Using aliases to folders should work. If it doesn't, checking permission is the only thing I could think of, also. I'm going to investigate this along with some other Kaivo issues very soon.

You may have noticed that Kaivo is slow to open–this is because it loads all the samples into RAM when it is loaded. In general it is just not set up well to use a lot of samples right now. I would recommend copying the ones you want to use into your main samples directory, and maybe getting rid of some of the factory ones you don't use, to speed up load times. I'll improve this for the next update.

Thanks for the reply Randy. I'll play around with my permission settings. My Kaivo user sample folder is around 800-900mb of multichannel samples formatted for Kaivo so I haven't had any issues with load times. I just like to keep all my presets and samples for all my vsti's etc in one folder off the main drive so I can easily reformat or transfer my settings instead of scouring through system folders. Love Kaivo and thanks again.