ForumsSoftware ← Need Help Installing Kaivo on Mac w Ableton 9

Hey forum

I'm extremely new to vst's, and I mean seriously new. This is my first soft synth I have ever purchased so I really don't know much when it comes to installing them in the correct folder or anything like that. Got a new macbook pro, my daw is ableton live 9 standard. I purchased kaivo and installed it, but it would always skip over the destination folder every time i tried to download it. Installation took only like 30 seconds, but when its done I can't find it anywhere on my computer. Not in ableton either. What do I do, where is it, somebody please. Help.

Hi, and welcome.

VST plugins are put in a standard location on your computer so all the different DAWs know where to find them. on Mac OS X that is in (your computer) / (your hard drive) / Library / Audio / Plug-Ins / VST. The installer will put it right there.

To see your Library folder on Mac OS you can hold down the Option key while selecting the “Go” menu from the Finder. Sorry this is a bit complicated, it’s Apple’s decision to make ~/Library hard to access.

There are also some Ableton settings that need to be correct in order to use external VSTs or Audio Units. Here are the relevant docs from Ableton:
Ableton / VST docs