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you can use Google like this: site:madronalabs.com mysearch

Can the default location for the presets be changed?


The wire attachment method is not important, it just has to conduct electricity. Solder it or anything. You will want a multimeter to test the connections.

I am sorry I don't have many more details documented. It's a very open-ended project and there are a lot of decisions you can make yourself. To do this project some experience with circuit building is probably good, so if you can, maybe try to find a friend with that knowledge, or teach yourself from a kit from adafruit or similar.

I recommend to everyone to start with a simple one-point sensor and build up from there.

As you've noticed Aalto can generate signals a lot hotter than 0dB. These are not problematic in themselves. The oscillator generates signals up to 0dB. Then the filter is capable of adding a lot of gain through resonance. In a hardware synthesizer, this extra gain would typically be clipped in the output stage. In Aalto I left it unclipped with the reasoning that you might want to clip it in your own way to add your own choice of color.

If you want the attenuation with no kind of coloring, you can use the input knob to Aalto’s OUTPUT module and turn it down until your signal is within the range you want. This knob is just a multiply, so there isn't really a special range where Aalto’s output is best. I think the choice is more about what you are feeding it into.

I think the range of -18 you are using is a good choice that will make the most of a lot of software processing including the mix bus.

Hi Chris,

Sorry I didn't notice your post until now.

I don't see either of these filtes on my disk and I believe they were renamed, or dead ends. I would try removing the #includes and if the code compiles without them, you are good. If not, let me know what functions seem to be missing and I will get you those!

The relationships between .c(pp) and .h files should be given in the files themselves, in other words what is including what. So order should not matter and if you put them all into a project they should compile.

Sorry for the state of the code! It's fairly old and I guess no one has tried this before. It's good you are on VC++2010 Express because that's what I use for Windows too. When you make your way through this I will definitely post a cleaner version with what you've learned.

Soundplanes 31-60 are now spoken for! If you were waiting to order one, please keep in touch because we plan to make more instruments soon.

Here's a view of the prototype instrument from the second run with an empty cup of coffee---the typical view of my desk. As you can see we got an especially nice batch of veneer this time that is deeply variegated. While we wait on the final surface parts from our fabricators I am working on the Soundplane client code to improve the touch detection. More details soon.

Just use the full version. If you turn the number of voices to 1 you will have exctly the same thing as the Solo version.

Tried it! Nice range of timbres and skronk there.

Sorry, docs are a little behind right now. Here's the list of bullet points, which you probably saw. Very soon I'll work to get the docs updated properly. In the meantime, please post in the forums if you have questions.

1.3.2 changes

  • added new patch save features: quick save as version, save (over existing), revert to saved
  • added revert to saved via MIDI (program change 128)
  • fixed sync problems in sequencer
  • fixed signal viewer cold startup in UI
  • restored bipolar dials in UI

1.3.1 changes

  • fixed automation sticking bugs
  • fixed host sync ratios in Logic
  • new software PLL for tighter host sync
  • fixed "rectified voice" bug in wave folder
  • fixed integer dials behavior
  • fixed possible OSC-related crash in Live
  • fixed patch display on close and reopen
  • brought back preset converter on Mac
  • fixed sequencer offset when stopped
  • fixed sequencer UI range issue

1.3.0 changes

  • redesigned, rewritten, vector-based, smoothly resizeable UI
  • DSP optimizations
  • fixed key stealing in Ableton Live
  • fixed Fxpansion RTAS wrapper compatibility
  • improved dial / mouse wheel ballistics
  • fixed Logic noise burst bug of doom
  • sync by ratios to host sequencer
  • Soundplane/t3d support over with auto-detect MIDI/OSC switch
  • added MIDI program change automation
  • store window location / num / anim prefs with saved data, not patch
  • fix startup / shutdown issues affecting Max/MSP, Reaper
  • KEY: added two MIDI modulation outputs
  • KEY: rearranged knobs for Soundplane/t3d switch
  • SEQ: added random sequence button
  • SEQ: added steps signal input
  • SEQ: allow fine delay time changes in steps of 0.1
  • ENV: increased attack, decay ranges
  • ENV2: added delay, attack signal inputs
  • LFO: add level signal input
  • OSCILLATOR: fix linear pitch input range
  • patcher: fixed sticky signal displays
  • patcher: display bipolar signals as absolute

Aalto 1.3.2 demo and release versions for Mac and Windows are here on the site.

1.3.2 changes:

added new patch save features:

  • quick save as version
  • save (over existing)
  • revert to saved
    added revert to saved via MIDI (program change 128)
    fixed sync problems in sequencer
    fixed signal viewer cold startup in UI
    restored bipolar dials in UI

    The revert to saved via MIDI came out of the workflow discussion we were just having here on the forums, and works especially well within Ableton Live. What you can do with it in Live is set up your clip to set program change 128 upon clip start. Then, Aalto will reset to the previously saved values every time the clip starts. This makes it much easier to tweak the patch while recording a bunch of takes.

    The manual has not yet caught up to the new features----I will do that soon.

    I am sending out a bugfix version for the Beat Special Edition in the next day or so. I will post in the forums when I find out how this is being distributed.

MIDI CC 1->127 should cover the whole range of the parameter. Is that not happening? You could also try the AU, which should deal directly with floating point values from Logic.

Hi Kenshi, yes it's almost time. Eight voices of Aalto is quite heavy still, so I want to do some optimizations first.

I love the patch revision but had something happen

Well this is by design. The worst thing that can happen is to save over an old version by accident. So my first job was to prevent that.

Going to the "end of the line" might be a good solution. Or maybe going in a different direction, like "2b", "2c", ... even.

In general I could think about these things for days to try and get them perfect-- rather I try to throw the features out there when they are immediately useful and gather feedback about were to go next.

Sorry about yr drive!

Wow, thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

In my experience Logic can consume way more CPU running Aalto than other hosts. I'm guessing this is true of Mainstage too, though I haven't tried it much. In general, hosts differ a lot in CPU use. You can try some others and compare.

I don't recommend Apple AU Lab a lot because it's not really designed for musicians... but for just running AU plugs like you want, if your setups are not complex, it might be great. It's free, give it a try: http://www.apple.com/itunes/mastered-for-itunes/

I would also give Numerology from Five12 a try.

When I added the new host sync divisions in version 1.3, I introduced a synchronization bug. Please get the 1.3.2 update coming later this week, and let me know if that fixes the problem.

Hi rc,

It's possible to get some ghost notes for now, but the good news is that they will be very low in amplitude. So you can hide the problem as you've shown.

In general avoiding the ghost notes in the software while maintaining sensitivity is a difficult problem. I will keep improving my solution. A new version of the Soundplane client is coming soon.

It's really up to the Beat people-- I'll post the info here.

This problem is fixed and I will be getting a new Beat Edition to the Beat people for distribution within the next two weeks.

Thanks Andre!

Makes perfect sense, I'll see what I can do about this case.

Hmm... yup.

Thanks for the info!

I use AU Lab for testing nearly every day, but it's more of a demonstration program, not really too useful for getting music done.


Oh yes, it is, that was the main idea, it's on pgm change 127.

So I implemented this "return to saved" feature this weekend and I am really enjoying using it for this remix. I want to add the "quick save" bit people have been asking for while I'm in this code. Then 1.3.2 will be a quiet little release soon.

I use Mac OS day to day so that's why. I do keep hearing good things about Sonar.

I just tested the VST in Ableton. I used my debugging information to see that the latency does go down to 16 just fine. The latency in Aalto will always be the next power-of-two greater than the process buffer size in the DAW, because MIDI messages are handled one buffer at a time.

You didn't say what process buffer size you were using in Studio One. In general any instrument plugin will have to have latency of one process buffer.

Thanks for the good report.

Fixed for 1.3.2, coming soon.

OK, I've got a pretty good idea to try. I was fooling around with Live’s Clip / Pgm Change section. It's particularly easy to select program 128 in the UI (127 actually because they list all the numbers off by 1) because that's the end.

So what if I make Pgm Change 127 mean "return to the most recently saved program"? This works in Live, and in Logic with a bit more work, for very quick loop-restore functionality. Along with a "quick save" feature some have asked for, I think it will make working with loops and tweaking very easy and powerful.

Hello randy , I've made a quick video to show you the way i use Aalto in Sensomusic Usine, i first show how the preset manager can store each change, even the patching ones or program changes, then i use the conductor to store bigger sets with fade time change.

Usine looks very useful indeed. thanks for sharing.