randy's Recent Posts
FYI, I think I have introduced a bug affecting performance on MacOS / Intel. In a previous beta, it was running fine on my 2015 Retina MBP and that's a machine I am targeting. But on reading the reports of unusable performance I tried the latest beta and it's behaving much as people describe: unusable. I'll look into this ASAP.
Will Vutu ever be integrated into Sumu's UI?
I've got no plans to do that - one reason is design and one is legal (Loris being GPL software). Practically speaking I'd have to re-implement Loris, which is not happening any time soon.
[edit] Oh and thank you for looking into the demo noise.
Not a problem, I rely on your feedback to find the right balance!
Sumu is too big when I open it on my MacBook Pro inside Logic. How can I resize it and make it smaller?
The resizer is in the bottom right corner. If it can’t be moved onscreen, then hopefully you can resize your screen resolution and / or rearrange displays as a workaround. Once you have the size you want, be sure to save it in your DAW and it should open at your chosen size from then on.
Or if none of this works, we’ll update soon.
Issues we hear and are working on:
- demo noise too loud: we'll release a minor update within two weeks
- EUR payments don't work: this should be fixed and deployed now!
- Bundle discounts are confusing: we'll make the logic more clear and send out an email this week.
- crashes on DAWs including Reaper, Cubase, FL: will fix for next update
- too-big window size on some DAWs: will fix for next update
Like our other synths, each patch in Sumu has a fixed number of free-running voices set in the INPUT module. Because all of our synths can make notes by turning dials, just like modulars, whether you play a note or not, that max number of voices is always taking up CPU.
So for those few patches that were set at 16 voices because they sounded too cool to resist that way, you can turn the number of voices down to 4 or something.
And yes, it's truly still a CPU-heavy synth. Like our other ones it will get much better over time as I optimize.
There are a lot of people having issues with the calculation of the bundle and discounts for licenses they have. Thanks for your patience with us as we iron out the wrinkles—we'll have a look and revise this very soon.
I can't get over the really loud and harsh white noise that repeatedly comes in and out in the demo. Currently dissuading me from continuing to play with the plugin. Any chance that can be toned down?
Thanks for the feedback, I'll turn it down in the next Early Access release.
@euanek are you logged in?
Also if you have all previous products, the bundle does not really apply.
We're working hard to ship this month. There will be an Early Access version first, then 1.0 with MPE support. Lots more info on Early Access soon.
There's not a way to do this now, but it would be a cool feature to have. I'll put it on the list for the next version.
Aalto and Kaivo work just like other plugins do in Ableton, using MIDI map mode:
The kind of physical modeling I used in Kaivo's body was invented for solving differential equations. These were often electrical - for antenna design for example. More recently people began using them for synthesis. The book Numerical Sound Synthesis by Stefan Bilbao is the definitive guide.
Thanks for the kind words!
I could do this but it might break people's patches! I will have to check.
SInce it's a granulator can't you play things slower, to get a longer duration? If you want to import a longer file, you could make a faster version (upsample) so it fits.
Hi, Vutu on Windows is not ready either, they will come out at the same time.
Sorry for any confusion, we should take it out of the menu.
I plan to make a new model of Soundplane but there's nothing like a timetable for it yet.
Thanks for your interest and meanwhile, enjoy your Linnstrument!
Interesting, I'm always trying to improve compatibility with things like this. thanks for the update.
Glad you're up and running. Enjoy!
hi nate,
I agree this is bad. It will be fixed when the v.2 of all the instruments roll out, hopefully later this year. Thanks for the kind words, and sorry if you lost a patch.
It's what I will be working on immediately after Sumu.
Thanks for sharing. Hopefully we can make sure this all works in the new framework I'm using for Sumu and future instruments. If you want to try it out with Aaltoverb, that should be a good indication!
That's a very fair question but very broad, have you decided what DAW (host) you are using?
(we sorted this out over email)
I have an extra, email me!
Hi 3david3, I would update to 10.14 (Mojave) if you can. It might work on 10.13 but Mojave is the earliest OS version I will be testing.
Thanks so much! Can't wait to get the finished version into your hands.
For sure, I'm very excited to support CLAP.
Hi, I think the 20ms is a lie. (not on purpose) What happened is that preset was made when I had a shorter minimum delay at one point. Then the release version changed the minimum but I didn't change the preset. So it will be clamped to 50ms in reality even though it says 20.
The time had to be a that length because of the pitch tracking if I remember correctly.
Sorry for the confusion—
No news but it's my top priority besides Sumu.
We have updated all of our software instruments—Aalto, Kaivo, and Virta— to version 1.9.5, bringing native Apple Silicon support for M1 and M2 Macs. The new versions are Universal Binaries, which support both Apple Silicon and Intel processors. Users with Apple Silicon computers should be able to run 30% more voices or more, as compared with the previous versions in Rosetta 2 emulation.
This update is free. Installers contain Universal Binaries for both VST2 and Audio Units V2 versions.
Windows versions are unaffected by this update. Aaltoverb, previously released with Apple Silicon support, is also unaffected.