Hi, I've tried to use multiple instances of aalto in Max within [poly~]. (I would use multitouch controller with it so each note would have a different pitchbend value)
But as soon as I load up 11 instaces of aalto in Max, the cpu is almost 100% and it is not useable anymore. Loading the same number into ableton live does not require such amount of cpu. Why is that?
I've also tried this in another windows machine and it is also the same, aalto cost a lot of cpu in Max.
I wonder if there's some method that I can use one instance of aalto and have 4 differerent pitchbend info controlling each polyphony.
are you using the "thispoly" object correctly? to cycle through the aalto instances?
Can you explain what you mean with "one aalto, 4 different pitchbends controlling polyphony?" Ill do what I can!
It has nothing to do with thispoly~. Before I send any notes in there - just by loading 11 instances of aalto - The cpu would be 100% already. While loading the same number of aalto in ableton live would cost much less cpu.
I mean if I can affect the pitch of the polyphonies in the same instance of aalto separately, maybe with poly aftertouch or something like that. Anyway, this is not needed now, because one instance of aalto per note is critical for multitouch control, so each note can have a different sound by different finger gestures.
I just found out by turning on parallel processing in [poly~] it sloves the problem!
Sorry for my ignorance.
11 aaltos, whatever this is I want to hear a snippet!
Basically what I am doing is to making a MaxMSP wrapper around aalto (and the future kaivo) so players can play them like on a LinnInstrument(http://www.rogerlinndesign.com/preview-linnstrument.html)
Maybe not as many as 11 instances! That will be too much for the computer. I am thinking about 3-4 polyphony for each hand so 6-8 in total.
I want to hear the result too!
Just to add... Aalto has an OSC input format, used with the Soundplane. This is detailed in the topic "STICKY: T3d format description". it allows each note to have a different pitch bend. So if you made OSC data from your controller somehow, you could try this.
Note that the t3d format is subject to change and I will be tweaking it soon to work better with TouchOSC and the like.